I know it’s been a while since I posted something here; too long in fact. I’ve been hard at work for months at a new teaching job and on my graphic novel, Chadhiyana: In the Company of Shadows (a continuation of the title character’s story, who I began writing and drawing about in 2012). So, I hope you can excuse my seeming absence on this site; I’ve just been very busy.
That said, you can read said graphic novel as I’m working on it! Since October, I’ve been posting one page per week of the dark fantasy book on chadhiyana.com. So if you haven’t begun reading it yet, click over and check the graphic novel out. I’m very happy with the way it’s been coming together, and I hope you’ll enjoy it.
Also, despite my absence, I do blog weekly on my website (jmdesantis.com), so you can always keep up-to-date on what’s going on with me there. Right now, other than the graphic novel and some other freelance gigs, I’ve been playing around with a new monitor calibrator (this is my first one), so as soon as I’ve gotten used to it, I’m sure I’ll be posting new artwork here.
In the meanwhile enjoy the graphic novel (chadhiyana.com) and keep up with my blog. I’ll do my best to post here more often if I can, but if I can’t, rest assured I haven’t disappeared.