Unfortunately, as promised, I haven't kept up with blogging here and on deviantART as much as I had hoped this summer (maybe next month). That said, I've still been blogging weekly on my website, and I've still been hard at work on the Chadhiyana graphic novel. At this point, I am still writing the script for said graphic novel, and I've moved on (some weeks ago now) to designing all of the story's principal characters (there are a number of them). My hope is to have more information on the graphic novel soon--very likely in the coming weeks following the Boston Comic Con this weekend.
And speaking of the Boston Comic Con, I'll be appearing at it in Artist Alley this weekend (Saturday and Sunday: bostoncomiccon.com) and next month at the Baltimore Comic-Con (September 7th and 8th: baltimorecomiccon.com). I'm also planning to be at the New York Comic Con again this year, as I have every year since 2010 (newyorkcomiccon.com). So if you're in the area for any of these events, or if you already have tickets, make sure you drop by my table. I always love meeting and talking with fans.
Anyway, I will try going forward to keep up with this blog a little bit better, but, again, if I don't, you can always read weekly updates (usually on Wednesdays) on my website (jmdesantis.com). For now, I'm just getting ready for this weekend's convention and trying to get as much work on Chadhiyana done before then. After all, I'm really looking forward to bringing more of her story to life as soon as possible. Be patient. It's coming. Cheers!
J. M. DeSantis
Write-ist (Writer-Artist)
Official Website: jmdesantis.com